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Our church is closed for worship and programs but we are still open for ministry. If you have a pastoral emergency, prayer request, or would like to talk with clergy, please email us at or call the office at 631-286-0299.




8:00 AM, no music, Rite I

10:00 AM, Rite II, followed by coffee hour fellowship


Lenten Offerings

Tuesdays at 6p: Book Study - 24 Hours that Changed the World

Fridays at 6p: Stations of the Cross


Ongoing Offerings

Wednesdays at 6p: Italian Classes

Wednesdays at 6:45p: Spanish Classes

First Wednesday of each month at noon: Bereavement Group


Special Offerings

2/29 10a-12noon: Invite - Welcome - Connect Workshop

3/11 at 12noon: Estate Planning and Medicare information

3/14 10-12: Invite - Welcome - Connect Workshop

3/28 10-12: Invite - Welcome - Connect Planning Workshop

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