Sketch Artist: Joan Tavolott
Our History:
It is not possible to write or read of the history of Christ Church without first paying tribute to the two men whose faith, courage and persistence made its existence a fact and not a dream: Nathaniel C McLean, veteran general of the Civil War, a brave solider of Christ and his country, and William Platt Pepper, a religious, kindly gentleman to whom his church was as necessary as his home. To both these men it was unthinkable that a village should not have its Episcopal Church and they undertook the difficult task of raising money for the building and equipment, never questioning either their right or their ability to succeed. Christ Church stands today as a memorial to their faith.
In 1885 Nathaniel C MacLean brought his family to Bellport, and it was immediately after their arrival that the question of an Episcopal Church in Bellport became the topic of conversation and many meetings. Present at those meetings were Mrs James Otis, Mr Pepper and his wife, and Mr Joseph Shaw. They held their first service in the Old Temperance Hall on July 1, 1886 with General McLean, a Lay Reader, officiating. Beginning in May 1887 the Rev Allan Ritchey, rector of St Paul’s in Patchogue, came every other Sunday to officiate. This arrangement lasted over a year, then, owing to the illness of the General and his inability to assist, the services were discontinued and parishioners returned to worship at St James’ Church in Brookhaven. But never was the hope of a Church of our own in Bellport ever abandoned.
In 1892 the determined General MacLean rented the upper story of the new drug store on Bellport Lane and services began being held there in June with the Rev F C Monsell of Germantown PA officiating at the first service. The Rev Joseph Norwood, recently ordained, was appointed as Missionary-in-Charge of Bellport, Brookhaven and Yaphank shortly thereafter and held his first service on October 9, 1892. He remained as the Priest-in-Charge for the next four years.
During the years that Rev Norwood was priest, small sums of money were raised and deposited in the bank. Mr Pepper was also able to collect a substantial sum from his many interested friends. With these funds, construction of a proper church building began in the winter of 1897 and the first service was held therein on the Fifth Sunday after Easter, May 15, 1898, officiated by the Rev J N Perkins. Christ Church was consecrated on June 24, 1899 by the Bishop of Long Island, the Right Reverend Abram D Littlejohn, D.D., and became an incorporated parish in 1946.